Why my pizza is sometimes good and sometimes a fail? Why I cannot make the same exact pizza from one week to another?

Those were the questions that afflicted me and a lot of other people for long time. Both amateurs and professionals. I spent enormous amount of time to find the way to make every single Italian pizza style. And before I got there I failed, a lot. But pizza is so good, I wanted to master it.

When I started making pizza I was relying on the experience of my parents and grandparents. I thought I could easily make pizza after watching them making it tens of times. But I was wrong. I was missing consistency and pizza was often just a disaster.

I then started to look at pizza recipes found on the Internet. You cannot imagine how many charlatans are out there. Often even food and pizza bloggers with a huge amount of followers are just sharing bad or incomplete information. With today's experience I can share with you that a lot of them are misleading and too often provide completely wrong information. And guess what... your pizza will not improve.

Then I bought pizza books. I really wanted to make a good pizza. I am Italian, it's in my DNA! There should be a way to improve my skills. Books always helped me. But for pizza is hard to find good books. And when you find them you miss a bit of practicality. In my case I still was not able to master the Italian pizza. Once again, even with the same recipe, results were inconsistent. Very different pizzas week after week. What was I missing?

My final step was to take professional pizza courses. Some of them were a delusion. Not all good pizza makers are also able to teach you. Being a good pizzaiolo does not make you a good professor. Teaching is a different art. But I was lucky enough to also find excellent teachers. Real pizza masters. And then it was just a matter of connecting the dots!

Nowadays I think I have a deep Italian pizza knowledge. It took some years but I am able to prepare whatever Italian pizza style. And the good news is that I can share this experience with you so you can speed up your knowledge without the struggles I went through.

I already shared my knowledge successfully tens of times. Several people are now making Italian pizza with consistency and easily. I believe also thanks to my past experience as a teacher and thanks to my professional background in Law and IT (yes, that's not a typo). Pizza has to be a pleasure for everybody.

That is why I offer you the opportunity to take a 2 hours Italian pizza masterclass with me where I explain you the full theory behind pizza making. We will cover everything: from flour selection to kneading techniques, fermentation, proofing and baking. No bullshit, I am ready to share the secrets that will change your pizza making and that nobody is sharing!

Italian pizza will have no more secrets for you! And you can ask me everything you like! Don't miss this opportunity, now at discounted price as early access.

If you are already skilled and you don't need a full one on one session, but you still want to have help or clarification on Italian pizza you can access to a personal private video where I will answer a question for you: